In this post, we will discuss on how to find sentences in a block of text, which can be a paragraph or an entire book. We will be using Apache OpenNLP library with Java.
Objective here is to learn Apache OpenNLP library and effectively use it in processing any text. We will start with Sentence Segmentation and will post more on the usage of its services in further posts.

Apache Open NLP
Apache OpenNLP is an open source library, which is used to process Natural Language Text. It provides services such as sentence segmentation, tokenization, part of speech tagging, named entity extraction, chunking, parsing etc. Its a powerful library which comes with its own set of models, which I will be using in our examples. You can find the set of models from here
For this post, we will setup our project and will start with Sentence Segmentation.
Maven Dependencies
For using the Apache Open NLP library, we can either download the latest zip files from If you are downloading the zip files, once extracted, you have to set it in your classpath, else use maven dependencies in your project.
Add below maven dependencies in your project
Sentence Segmentation
The objective here is to find all the sentences in a given block of text, it could be paragraph or an entire book.
We will use one of the existing models en-sent.bin, to detect the sentences in the block of text. We will load the binary file in the InputStream and pass this stream object to SentenceModel class which belongs to package. The model we used is converted to SentenceModel object.
//Load the sentence detection model
InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src\\main\\resources\\models\\en-sent.bin");
SentenceModel modelObj = new SentenceModel(is);
Now, load this model object to the SentenceDetectorME class which is also from same package. This class holds the methods which helps in finding the end of sentence character in a string. It splits the raw text to sentences.
This method will detect all the sentences from the given text.
//Break raw text into sentences
SentenceDetectorME detectorME = new SentenceDetectorME(modelObj);
String[] detectedSen = detectorME.sentDetect(rawText);
System.out.println("All sentences detected are:");
Once all the sentences are detected, we are printing it using the Arrays.toString() method. The output of the above print will be something like this
All sentences detected are:
[Hi. How are you?,
Hope everything is going well.,
Welcome to OpenNLP Lesson1.,
We will try to understand Open Apache NLP for sentence detection]
The SentenceDetectorME also provide sentPosDetect() method to get the position of the detected sentence. It return Span class which keep the start and end of the detected sentences. Span class had getStart() and getEnd() methods.
//Find position of all sentences
Span[] spans = detectorME.sentPosDetect(rawText);
System.out.println("Positions of all detected sentences:");
for(Span span: spans){
The above part of code produce the following output:
Positions of all detected sentences:
It also have getSentenceProbabilities() method which gives the probabilities of each sentence for the most recent call to sentDetect(). If not applicable, then an empty array is returned.
//Getting the probabilities of the last sendDetect method call for the sentences
double[] probabilities = detectorME.getSentenceProbabilities();
The above code will produce the following output:
[0.9240246995179983, 0.8808767380536497, 0.9899713160931164, 1.0]
This is a very simple exercise to start with Apache Open NLP library. You can find the above code example in my Github repository. As of now, we are using the existing models which comes with Apache Open NLP only.
For the next step in learning to Natural Language Processing, .i.e. to tokenize any given string using Apache OpenNLP library is discussed in this post Tokenization Using Apache OpenNLP.
Do let me know your thoughts if anything specific should be included and also do provide your comments/feedback down below.